Balance bikes have always been hyped - & the right reasons too. More than just teaching your kids how to balance, these bikes offer numerous other benefits that make them worth every dollar. Just a few of the many benefits are - they are easier to control, helps develop balancing skills and help to build children’s confidence at an early age.
At Le Tour, we care about your child as much as you do. Therefore, we offer top quality balance bikes that are safe for your kids. By helping children to focus on balancing, our balance bikes will prepare them to wisely handle any unanticipated loss in balance. This in turn reduces the instances of skinned knees and countless falls. Once your children master a balancing bike, they can directly head for a standard bike.
Why Choose Us?
While most of the companies just provide lip-service to important aspects, such as value for money and good customer service, we actually deliver them. For this reason we have a happy clientele and our customers get back to us over and again. We have been supporting customers with all the assistance they need. At Le Tour, we also provide high-quality kids helmets as well as baby bikes
In addition, we equally value our online customers. Our online shopping system is designed to make your shopping experience hassle-free, secure, efficient and as pleasant as possible. All that you have to do is just get in touch with us, have a quick discussion and get your bike delivered. In addition, our services are backed up by a cost-efficient and reliable delivery system, which ensures that your order reaches you quickly. If you still experience any problems, we are always here to help you.
You can reach us on 03 9720 0864 or write to We would be happy to assist you. Besides, we promptly get back to queries that are posted online.